Steps towards healthful living

Monday, January 11, 2010

Graitude List and ramblings.

I am really craving and needing to add structure to my life. I am going to be a SAHM beginning with Baby #2 due in March and really want to do a great job. I want to be a blessing to my family.

The problem that stands in the way is I have no idea how to accomplish this. I do not know how to be a SAHM. My motivation and desire is huge but I have no concrete ideas how to get this done.

I tend to get overwhelmed and then feel helpless and do nothing. I have been praying and depending on God to help me in this.

Gratitude list for today.
Nice glass of strawberry lemonade with orange slices
A huge desire to be a SAHM
A warm home
Some ideas of how to keep a home
The bright sunshine
Alot of crafting supplies
Some baby blocks redy to be sewn
Clean clothes
A decent night's sleep
Wonderful blogs to read and be inpired by
A healthy pregnancy
Health insurance and resources for my pregancy.
Beautiful stationary
Wonderful books concerning Godly Women


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